X Author: Anamika Chowdhury
Chowdhury, Anamika, Ashley Bird, Jiangjin Liu, Iryna V Zenyuk, Ahmet Kusoglu, Clayton J Radke, and Adam Z Weber."Linking Perfluorosulfonic Acid Ionomer Chemistry and High-Current Density Performance in Fuel-Cell Electrodes."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
13.36 (2021) 42579 - 42589. DOI
Katzenberg, Adlai, Anamika Chowdhury, Minfeng Fang, Adam Z Weber, Yoshiyuki Okamoto, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Miguel A Modestino."Highly Permeable Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acid Ionomers for Improved Electrochemical Devices: Insights into Structure–Property Relationships."Journal of the American Chemical Society
142.8 (2020) 3742 - 3752. DOI
Conde, Julio J, M. M Antonia Folgado, P Ferreira-Aparicio, Antonio M Chaparro, Anamika Chowdhury, Ahmet Kusoglu, David Cullen, and Adam Z Weber."Mass-transport properties of electrosprayed Pt/C catalyst layers for polymer-electrolyte fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
427 (2019) 250 - 259. DOI