
Kusoglu Lab Research

Our research theme is the structure-property characterization and modeling of ionomers and solid-polymer electrolytes to understand and improve their stability & functionality in electrochemical technologies - from the polymer-electrolyte and alkaline fuel cells to electrolyzers and flow batteries.

Our research approach involves data-driven design and understanding of ion-containing polymers (ionomers) and thin films at electrode interfaces, including interrogation of their transport functionality and mechanical stability as well as morphological characterization through state-of-the-art synchrotron X-ray techniques at the Advanced Light Source (ALS).


The ongoing efforts for clean energy transition toward decarbonization have increased the focus on electrochemical technologies and hydrogen-based fuels. Hydrogen technologies are sought to play a critical role from electrolyzers to produce clean hydrogen via water-splitting to fuel cells to decarbonize heavy-duty transportation. In particular, for heavy-duty vehicles, fuel cell systems require more efficient and durable ionomers and membranes. Key to the successful operation of these technologies is the durable performance of the membrane-electrode assembly systems, consisting of an ion-conducting polymer (ionomer) membrane between the electrodes where electrochemical reactions occur. In addition, ionomers are also present in the electrodes as nanometer-thick films with a dual function conducting multi-species and acting as catalyst binders. Thus, across these technologies, ionomers serve multiple key functionalities that need to be tuned for improved performance, lower cost, and enhanced durability. 

Research projects and activities:

  • Structure-Function relationships of functional polymers for energy conversion devices

    • Understanding transport-stability correlations in anion- and cation-exchange membranes, as well as bipolar membranes
    • Development of characterization techniques for morphology, transport function, and mechanical deformation of functional polymers (including the novel x-ray techniques at the ALS)
    • Investigation of hybrid ionomers, bipolar membranes, composite separator strategies for improving their durability, tuning their selectivity, and developing robust and high-temperature membranes
    • Data-driven analysis of membrane structure-functionality and tailored design for energy technologies 


  • Material Design, Development, Durability and Diagnostics

    • Exploration of membrane chemistries for improved performance, efficiency, and durability
    • Enhancing membrane durability to monitor and mitigate chemical-mechanical degradation
    • Elucidating ionomer thin-films and ionomer-catalyst interface to improve electrode performance and cell efficiency 
    • Characterization of solid polymer-electrolyte membranes and interfaces for various applications
  • Electrochemical-Mechanical Phenomena

    • Understanding and mitigation of chemical-mechanical failure in solid-polymer electrolytes and interfaces
    • Fundamentals of structure-transport-deformation relationships in adaptive, functional polymers
    • Mechanochemistry in ion-containing soft matter and hybrid separators
    • Mechanical modeling of membrane-electrode assemblies and interfaces for simulating operational stresses, failure analysis and lifetime assessment 
  • Projects on Clean Energy Materials and Hydrogen Technologies

    • Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck (M2FCT): PEM Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Applications
    • H2NEW: PEM Electrolysis for Clean Hydrogen Production
    • HydroGen: AEM and Alkaline Electrolysis (see our capabilities)
    • CIWE: (EERC) Center for Ionomer-based Water Electrolysis 
    • CalTesBed: Assist technical evaluation of materials for clean energy technologies 


Check our current openings and learn more about the opportunities to work with us!


Highlights: Materials Research

Spotlight: Clean Energy Applications

Journal Covers